목록etc (9)
CS log
1. proactive : 적극적인 if they know of anyone that is looking for a proactive recent graduate such as yourself ~. 2. resignation : 사직 + letter = 사직서 someone is handing resignation this week and an opening will become availble very soon. 3. onslaught : 맹공격 you are getting noticed before the onslaught of hundreds of other faceless resumes. 4. cumbersome : 번거로운 unlike the resume and cover letter, whic..
1. incorporate : 포함하다, pay off : 빚을 갚다, 좋은 결과가 나오다, 성과를 거두다 here's where doing a good job of finding jobs that incorporate many of the things you like to do really pay off. 2. leeway : 여지 We can have leeway because you are an international student. 3. redbone : 우파, white-washed 4. I'm getting manicure. 5. what is the deal? = what's happening? = what's the problem?
https://www.wsj.com/tech/tech-industry-layoffs-jobs-2024-44a0a9dd# 1. drumbeat continues : 계속되다 2. job cuts == layoffs 3. grip - get a grip : 정신 차리다. - lose a grip : 정신줄을 놓다. - keeps a grip on costs : 비용을 억제하다. The drumbeat of job cuts in the tech industry continued on Tuesday when DocuSign [DOCU 1.13%increase] became the latest company to announce layoffs this year, as Silicon Valley keeps a gr..
1. revolve around : 주위를 돌다 For many students, their last two years of high school revolved around getting into college. source ; [personal finance experience (text book)] 2. intact : 손대지 않은 ~ which indicates the color information is intact even under illumination changes. 3. pass out : 정신을 잃은 듯이 자다. I was really exhausted yesterday because I spent 4 hours doing homework. Therefore I passed out l..